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Inspirational Quotes

I've been feeling down lately. It happens every March since I've moved to Michigan. I'm from Southern Ohio, where by now it is already starting to warm up. A couple weeks ago it reached 78 degrees! Now, that was a fluke. It doesn't usually get that warm there in February, but... It is on average 15 degrees warmer there by now. So while it's in the 30's here and snowing in early March, my family back home is enjoying days consistently in the 40's and 50's. To say I'm jealous is an understatement.

The LONG and BRUTAL western Michigan Winters take a huge toll on me and they just get harder to endure with each passing year. Everyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of Michigan. Just as soon as we can leave here, I will be ready to go. If you are a true Michigander, please don't be offended. It is beautiful here. Much more beautiful than Southern Ohio. Nevertheless, these 6-7 month long Winters are miserable for those such as myself who hate cold weather and snow.

Needless to say, the excitement I felt in January and February for the impending Spring Season has vanished. The realization that it won't warm up here for another couple months has me feeling unmotivated and sad. I just want to curl up in the blankets and hibernate in front of the fireplace until the end of May.

But I can't do that. I can't waste precious minutes, hours, and days, laying around waiting. I have to make the most of life! And I want to. These feelings inspired me to create something positive and uplifting to remind myself of my many blessings. As a result, I'm doing something I've never done before. I'm creating a series of inspirational quote prints. Here is the first set. The quotes are as follows: "Understand Your Worth" Value Your Life" "Appreciate Your Blessings"

They are available for Purchase in my Etsy printable shop today! Retail price for all three is $39 but with my 40% off STOREWIDE sale on my printables they are only $23.40. But YOU can have them for $20 with coupon code (POSITIVE20).

And remember, everyone who signs up to receive my newsletter gets THREE FREE ART PRINTS! If you haven't done so already, get yours today! Get yours here.

Stay warm out there!

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