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Hear It From Me

My name is Tina Parish. I am the owner/artist/curator at Tipari Art. My favorite things in life are: My beloved Shih tzu, Lada, art, reading, writing, and of course my husband, Scott! I love to create beautiful things.


Tipari Art officially opened for business in mid 2017, but I (Tina Parish) have been creating art since before I had a solid grasp on reading. Art was my first love. I get it honestly, from my mother. My mother was an effortless creator. She could turn the ugliest thing into the most beautiful work of art. She designed, built, and upholstered custom furniture for show homes. She was also an impeccable interior designer. She had an eye for the unique and beautiful.

Watching her create beautiful spaces with incredible pieces of art piqued my curiosity. I began to explore with drawing and painting. It quickly became a passion. I fell in love with abstract art. But when it comes to abstract, I like unique, simple, clean lines as opposed to "crazy" abstract. Nothing against what I call "crazy" abstract. I don't mean it as a derogatory term, by any means. It's all wonderful. It's just not what moves me. I like what I call "structured" abstract. That's what I create: clean, sleek, contemporary art.
And that's what you will find here.

It took me a long time (30+ years) to be bold and brave enough to share my works with the public. Heck, I never shared my work with my husband until 2015. And even then, I kept it hidden away where he couldn't really see it. He only knew I painted for relaxation. Then one day, I posted a piece I was proud of on my Facebook page. My friends and family loved it. They couldn't believe I had created it. I began showing more of my work. Then started sharing it publicly on Instagram. Strangers loved my work and one was purchased. It was then that I considered selling some of my pieces. It took another year before I mustered the courage, but I finally opened my shop. I also sell on Etsy as well as in local venues. In addition to art prints, I also sell my art as high definition digital download printables. The DIYer's (such as myself) love the digital downloads.


Running Tipari Art has been a lot of fun. There's such a sense of pride when a stranger comes along and falls in love with a piece of art I created. To know my work is hanging in people's homes and offices is an incredible feeling. It's like sharing a small piece of myself. Any artist will tell you, all artwork is a bit autobiographical. My pieces tend to reveal how I feel when I create it. I think artwork is representative of personality of the creator and of the buyer. Artwork has a way of creating a vibe in the space it is displayed. It can be calming, it can be energizing. It can be a great conversation starter.

What you will see from me on the blog are showcases of new pieces and collections I am working on. I'll share my successes as well as my failures. Any sales or giveaways I have will be announced here. From time to time, I will offer freebies of my work or other artist's.


If you haven't done so already, please poke around the site. Check out my works. As for my "style" I definitely gravitate toward contemporary and abstract designs. But some of my work falls under other categories as well: Coastal, Boho, Traditional, Minimal, etc. But each piece will always have a contemporary vibe to it. The one thing about me is I am consistently inconsistent. By that, I mean, this week, I might produce floral art, but in the following weeks be on to red and black abstract. I just go with whatever mood I'm in. So stay tuned to see what I come up with next! I guarantee you can't predict it.


That's all folks! I hope you will peruse the site and my works. If you fall in love with a piece, I hope you will hang it in your space.



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