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Lesson Learned

Today I learned a lesson: Do not disregard things too quickly.

A couple weeks ago, I created an abstract art set that I was immediately disenchanted with. I was disappointed because it didn't turn out exactly how I had envisioned. I had an idea in my mind of what I wanted and nothing else was going to make me happy. So I tucked it away and forgot all about it. Until today.

Today I stumbled across it by accident and instantly fell in love with it. It was as though I was seeing it for the first time. And instead of seeing it for what it isn't, I am seeing it for what it is. HUGE LESSON LEARNED.

I know better than to dismiss things so quickly which is probably why I didn't trash the work altogether. Obviously I saw potential in what I had created. But that day I got what my husband calls "A case of the ass" where I got an attitude about failing at my endeavor. But it turns out, I didn't fail at all. I created something wonderful (in my opinion, anyway). I am extremely proud of this artwork today. In fact, I deem it one of my best, most original creations to date.

So, take it from me. The next time you feel like a failure, step back and take time to think it over or even forget about it altogether. Make a mental note to return to it later and I'm sure you will see it in a different light, even if it's just a learning experience.

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