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Dreaming of Spring

I have major Spring fever. It happens every year in February. According to the Calendar it's right around the corner. And if I still lived in southern Ohio, it would be. The saying there is "April showers bring May flowers." But I live in western Michigan now. It snows here through April. I might see a couple flowers in May, but it doesn't get truly warm here until late June. Winter lasts 6-7 months here! If you are from Michigan, please don't take offense but... I saw a crazy Michigander out and about in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt last night and it was 19 degrees out and snowing! I see this a lot here in the winter. Let it hit 40 degrees and sunny outside and they will be out in t-shirts, shorts, and sandals. These people must be cold blooded. Meanwhile, I'm dressed like Ralphy's little brother from Christmas Story.

Dandelions (dark & med taupe)

Anyhoo... After living in Ohio until my mid thirties, I still get excited about Spring in February. But this year, it hit me hard in January. Last month I started working on a new floral collection. It's been great fun and I'm loving the results. I started with Dandelions in shades of taupe and gray-blue. I'm so in love with them that I'm displaying this set in my entry way. (I hope my husband likes them)

I'm still working on adding other flowers to that collection, but as I'm known to do, I got sidetracked. That's me. Consistently inconsistent. I have to go where the inspiration takes me, and my new inspiration was all about color. But I didn't want typical color combos. It seems whenever I see floral art or prints, the colors are always the same. I wanted something that stood out. A combination that demanded attention. Colors you wouldn't think to pair together but when you do, they look incredible. And I wanted them to be contemporary, sleek, minimal, with an abstract feel. I wish I had a room in my house that these would match. I might just have to redecorate my library while my husband is away on business.

In celebration of Spring and my new collections, I've decided to do something I've never done before. I'm giving away these 3 FREE prints:

That's right. These can be yours for FREE. Simply sign up for my newsletter and I will send you a link where you can download these prints. You can either print them at home or use a printing service of your choice such as Shutterfly, etc. Do not worry! I will NEVER share your information. And I NEVER spam. I only send 1-2 emails per month. In them I will share info about new collections I'm working on, contests I am hosting, subscriber exclusive coupons and sales, more freebies, tips on displaying art and how to choose art for your home, etc.

Here are more pictures of both collections.

(Click on an image to enlarge)

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