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First Blog Entry!

Welcome to Tipari Art! If you've read my "About" page, you know a little about me. If you haven't, I will repeat some of that information here.

As stated in the title, this is my first blog entry. The main purpose of this entry is to introduce myself and what this blog/website is all about.

My name is Tina Parish. I am the owner/artist/curator at Tipari Art. What started out as a hobby to calm my Generalized Anxiety Disorder, has turned into a raging passion. I have always been a creative type. I get it honest from my mom. She was an interior designer and furniture designer/builder. For me, it started with a pencil and a sheet of paper when I was in grade school. I loved to draw, color, write. I have been "creating" my entire life. Before turning my art into a business, I published 2 contemporary romance novels under the pseudonym-Teiran Smith.

In 2016 I was officially diagnosed with GAD. It wreaked havoc on my life. It was debilitating. The only thing that calmed my mind was writing and painting. But then writing had become my "job" once I was published, and the healing affect it once had on me disappeared. I was no longer writing just for fun. I now had strict deadlines I had to meet which only added to my stress and anxiety. I didn't see that one coming.

So I turned my attention to art in my free time. It was a life saver. Eventually, people began to take notice of my work, giving me compliments and asking if I would consider selling any of it. The thought had never crossed my mind, but I decided to give it a shot.

Two years later, here I am running an art shop and still writing. My free time is nil. And though art is now a "job" for me, I still love it. I work at my own pace and produce as often as I want. There is absolutely nothing like seeing someone's face light up at the sight of one of my creations. It never gets old.

What you will see from me on this blog are showcases of new pieces and collections I am working on. I'll share my successes as well as my failures. Any sales or giveaways I have will be announced here. From time to time, I will offer freebies of my work or other artist's.

If you haven't done so already, please poke around the site. Check out my works. As for my "style" I definitely gravitate toward contemporary and abstract designs. But some of my work falls under other categories as well: Coastal, Boho, Traditional, Minimal, etc. But each piece will always have a contemporary vibe to it. The one thing about me is I am consistently inconsistent. By that, I mean, this week, I might produce floral art, but in the following weeks be on to red and black abstract. I just go with whatever mood I'm in. So stay tuned to see what I come up with next! I guarantee you can't predict it.

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